Location: Kolligian Library, 3rd floor, Room 323.
Here is how you can find us:
- Take the elevator in the "west wing" (by the Lantern Cafe) up to the 3rd floor.
- Take a right off the elevator and enter the doorway straight ahead.
- Follow the hallway until you see suite 323 on the righthand side.
We are in-person in our new location and here is our availability:
Drop-in - Monday to Thursday - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Friday - by appointment only
Email: ophd@ucmerced.edu
Phone Number: 209-413-4652
For emergencies, call 911 or the UC Merced Police Department at 209-228-2677.
Report Website Issues
Broken links, missing content, etc.
Email: ophd@ucmerced.edu